Sunday, 18 April 2010

tea party cont.

the juxtaposition...

Tea Party 17/4/2010

After me and Rosalie saw a picture of bunting, cake stands and cup cakes in a John Lewis catalogue, I knew I had to replicate it. Such a lovely sunny day, the paler ones in the group were burning up. No tea was actually consumed, but pimms and punch from teacups, so it still counts as a tea party...

14/4/2010 Hot tub/rotunda

It would not feel like home without time well spent in Beckington's glorious rotunda and hot tub. This was the night with the badly timed pre-thorpe park mojito bucket. We are very European.

Sunday, 11 April 2010


I got over excited about macro and reflections, sorry Joanne

I don't know why me and Joanne even ask each other 'what do you want to do?'. Back home we end up doing this every time...

Saturday, 10 April 2010



I don't want this sunny weather to go away. And I wish Margot was my dog.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Tea Cup

I wish I could afford this one!


Roz attempting to be a hand model

Me and Roz's future house, possibly
As usual showing Rosalie the hidden gems of Buckinghamshire :)
And planning a possible tea party. In desperate need of more tea cups though! I might start collecting them.

Easter 3/4/10

The Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Windmill

I've missed being able to get to the countryside after Selly Oak